Did The Russians Leak Don Jr.'s Email's to NY Times? Buy Time Warner?

Don Jr. released some of his emails on his meeting with the Russians today.

Then, the SP500 dropped one half a percent in a few minutes. (see daily chart above).

My thoughts are that the Russians released this information to the NY Times over the weekend. This is a small part of the compromising information the Russian government has on Donald, his family and organization. Don Jr. has now released some of his emails for "transparency".  

The Trump Administration is compromised. Yikes!

A new bill is in the House to issue more sanctions on Russia.  Trump cannot get the sanctions reduced without a fight.  So the Russians are showing their hand a bit, just like in good gangsters do, to get their way.   It's the "I'll hurt your family if you don't do what I want."

I'll bet you have seen this in the movies a thousand times.

This does increase market uncertainty in the short term.  If it changes to a longer term trend we at The Vig Company will make changes to more a more "risk off" position.

Or, maybe we will buy some Time Warner stock.  It is on a decent run.  Up 45% since the the start of start of 2016. They own CNN.  Ratings will be up with all the new hearings coming!

Chris Vig is president of The Vig Company and is an investor, artist, writer, business consultant and former CEO living in Monona, WI. This article is for entertainment purposes only.  Do you own diligence when investing your hard earned cash.