Vigilance. Insight. Growth.

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My name is Chris Vig. I am the founder, CEO, and CIO of The Vig Company LLC. I am an investor, mathematician (perfect SAT math score), and former business owner and president.

The Vig Company LLC is a quantitative investment group trading in global financial markets, dedicated to producing exceptional returns for followers by strictly adhering to mathematical and statistical methods over the long term.

The Vig Company has provided market vigilance, insight, and growth opportunities to clients since 2008. We employ a quantitative multi-strategy framework. The V2 Model is systematic - utilizing trend, relative value, comparative ratio analysis, and volatility across dozens of asset classes. The model uses common leveraged long and short ETFs and a disciplined risk management framework to express its views on equity markets. We maintain a long-term focus on building wealth.

With my company, I share my thoughts on the markets and individual securities. I use common sense techniques and simple charts to give insight and perspective. I am a trend-following investor. Most commonly, I use price action over different time frames to make decisions. I ask a lot of questions. I do not forecast. I have a small group of clients that I work with to find profitable ideas that balance risk with opportunity.

I have degrees in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MBA in Finance and Marketing. Since 2000, I have been investing in the markets and individual companies. For 20 years, I was CEO, owner, and president of apparel direct-marketers WinterSilks and Venus Sportswear. I created and developed profitable brands and worked with and for various private equity, venture capital, and commercial banks. At peak, I managed over $150 million in annual sales and closed multiple deals. In 2006, we sold the companies. The following year I started investing in markets, business consulting, and my art.

I started The Vig Company in 2009. I have built and continue to use an innovative investment model based on securities allocated by quantitative methods, charts, trends, ratios, correlations, and asset class performance. With no emotion, no anxiety, and no stress we diligently follow the math. Our performance is remarkable.

“I have a simple mission, to build your wealth for the long term - safely. Period. Take a look at our performance, then you decide.”

- Chris Vig -