RENEE! Where Are My Abercrombie Shorts???

Help Renee!

I can't find my Abercrombie shorts!  It's going to be hot and humid today.

Abercrombie and Fitch stock fell 20% yesterday.  A deal fell apart.

Look at the chart above.  Shares of A+F have fallen over 80% the past 5 years.  Yikes.  Is it Amazon's fault?  That seems like the common excuse. Or it because some the hip fast fashion guys Zara and H&M are doing cooler and less expensive clothing?

True Religion, American Apparel, Aeropostale, and Wet Seal have all filed for bankruptcy. Gap and J Crew are not far behind.  So some previously strong fashion brands are struggling.  The fashion business is tough and relentless.  I know, I did it for 20 years.

Or, is it because they were sexist snobs and spent more time on their imagery than their clothes? Doing that did they lose what made the brand stand out in the first place?

When is the last time you heard someone say,  "Hey, I got this cool pair of shorts at Abercrombie!".  Like....never....

Ah ha!  After digging around in my closet I found my shorts.  They must be 15 years old.  A bit frayed but they still fit.  In the old days I liked Abercrombie, I hope they rediscover their history and survive in a small way.  

At some point, I will need new shorts.

Chris Vig is president of The Vig Company and is an investor, artist, writer, business consultant and former CEO living in Monona, WI. This article is for entertainment purposes only.  Do you own diligence when investing your hard earned cash.