Show Me The Minutes! An Open Letter to Senator Ron Johnson!

Show Me The Minutes.jpg

Dear Senator Ron Johnson:

Your political party is pushing a new plan to reduce corporate tax rates.  Donald Trump’s economist said a couple of days ago that the new corporate rates should increase the average household income by $3,000 to $7,000 annually.  Using a household income of $67,000 that would be a 7% raise for all workers.

You support this plan.

I believe the statement on increasing workers  wages when tax rates are lowered is false and a lie.

Maybe you can clear this up for me.  Will you produce board meeting minutes with an affidavit that indicates your company, PACUR, has planned to increase wages if indeed there is a corporate tax break?  If you don’t have a current set of minutes maybe you can show me one from all of your prior years in business that indicates big raises for all if taxes go down?

Maybe you have minutes from other corporate boards you were on?

I know you do not have them.

I know because I was a business owner, president and CEO for over twenty years.  I was on a number of boards.  I have been involved with and led hundreds of board meetings.  I have worked with private equity, venture capital firms and banks.  There was never,  I repeat NEVER a discussion that if corporate tax rates were reduced that we would give all of our workers a raise.

Sad but true.

They did not and do not exist in my corporate minutes.  I’ll wager they do not exist in yours.

Maybe you could ask Scott Walker for help?  I doubt he will have them.  He has never run a business.

Maybe you could ask the Koch brothers?  They have lots of businesses.  

I guarantee they will not have them, either.

Even better, perhaps you could ask Donald Trump to produce a set of minutes that show any of his hundreds of companies plan to give each of their workers a 7% raise when corporate tax rates drop?  

I will bet any amount he does not have them.

If you can produce any of the minutes I have requested, I will vote for you and your plan.

If you cannot produce them, I will (and hope others will) conclude that your tax plan is nothing but an action to decrease taxes for the wealthy and improve shareholder wealth.  I will also believe that your statements on this topic are purposeful to mislead the uninformed.

C’mon Ron, show me I’m wrong.  All I need is set of minutes and an affidavit attesting their to their truth.

C'mon Ron, show me the minutes!


Chris Edward Vig

Chris Vig is president of The Vig Company and is an investor, artist, author, business consultant and former CEO living in Monona, WI. This article is for entertainment purposes only.  Do you own diligence when investing your hard earned cash.