Trumps Kills Payments To Insurers! United Health Care Craters!

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You can see the daily chart of United Health Care here.  They are one of the nation's largest health insurers.  Their stock cratered over the last few sessions as Trump signed an executive order to kill some payments to insurance companies that help pay for medical costs for the old, unhealthy and poor. 

Trump is killing the ACA one step at a time. 

Why are conservatives happy about this?  Wouldn't a single payer plan make businesses more profitable?  Wouldn't a single payer plan make health insurance more affordable for all?  Wouldn't single payer be the most effective way to give everyone the freedom to compete?

Anyone can get sick in a moment.

Maybe from something as random as a mosquito bite!

With Trumps recent decisions, are we not just increasing the number of people in our society who will die from preventable illness because they are not wealthy?

I normally cheer when health care insurance company stocks go down. 

Not today.

Chris Vig is president of The Vig Company and is an investor, artist, author, business consultant and former CEO living in Monona, WI. This article is for entertainment purposes only.  Do you own diligence when investing your hard earned cash.