Frequently Asked Questions

What does The Vig Company Newsletter cost?

$15 a month. Billed monthly. (There is an annual plan, too) We are nearly 10X less expensive than competitors that do not have nearly as good a performance as The V2 Model. We pride ourselves in World-Class performance at a rate affordable to anyone - large investor or small.

How do I see the current holdings of the V2 Model?

Premium Members will receive new issues and updates straight to your inbox. If you are a Premium Member you can find prior issues and the current V2 Model allocations by going to the V2 Newsletter Archive page. Follow the Instructions.

See sample V2 Model Newsletter HERE.

Can I unsubscribe at any time?

Yes. You can unsubscribe at any time. There is a link to manage your account at the bottom of each newsletter. You simply click on that link and follow the instructions. No future billings will occur after that date.

Are results guaranteed?

No. The model is tested and proven over a long time period, but past results have no bearing on future performance. You can see our performance here!

How do you suggest I use the V2 Model?

In the past, I have always tested different financial products with a small portion of my portfolio. As performance warrants, I would then increase or decrease exposure. V2 is a quantitative model that uses leverage and shorts neither of which is recommended for long-term investors or those with a low tolerance for volatility and risk. We suggest you follow the performance for a while or start small to get familiar with The V2 Model. Since 2016 we are ranked in the top 1% when compared against all ETFs and mutual funds. (We are an investment newsletter and not an ETF or fund.)

How Do I Get Started Investing Following V2?

Here is a recent post with some of our thoughts on this topic: “How To Get Started With The V2 Model”

With what frequency do newsletter updates and changes come out?

We send ongoing updates, and a recap each Saturday. And, we send suggested changes to the V2 Model Portfolio when they occur. We only make changes after we announce them.

What If I do not receive the V2 Model Newsletter?

Here’s how you can make sure that each V2 newsletter hits your inbox:

Gmail app mobile readers: Navigate to the menu at the top right corner of this email, and select “Move to” then “Primary.”

Desktop Gmail readers: Navigate away back from this email and the message from your "Promotions" tab to the "Primary" tab near the top left of your screen.

iOS / Apple Mail app: Tap our email address at the top of this email (next to "From:" on mobile) and click “Add to VIPs.

We are not responsible for missed Newsletters.

For even more information follow us on social media.

Facebook The Vig Company

Twitter The Vig Company

Can I Invest in your fund?

We do not have a fund or our own ETF that you can invest in. We have researched both options and may do that in the future. For now, the best thing to do is to become a newsletter member and make your investments with your own online or personal broker.

How much do I need to get started?

You can start with any amount. Realize the annual cost of The V2 Model Newsletter is $188. Our annualized returns are greater than 60% so in that regard you would need $325 invested in an average year to break even. We do suggest you start with a small amount and increase your exposure to V2 only as your confidence and risk tolerance allows.

What sort of trading account should I use?

The type of account you use and the trading platform are up to you. We are not financial advisors and will not make a recommendation. There are tax advantages to an IRA. You should talk with your tax advisor.

Is V2 considered day trading?

No. We are not day traders. And, we are not considered “buy and hold”. We are intermediate trend traders. The average length of our time between trades is 2 months. In the past, we have changed our ETF allocation in a few days or as long as fourteen months. We make changes when markets change and our math indicates it is time to do so.

Are you considered a hedge fund?

No. We use many of the same concepts hedge funds use including quantitative analysis, leverage to boost returns, and short positions to hedge and protect in a market correction or downturn. Our performance is better than nearly all hedge funds for a fraction of the cost. Here is a recent post comparing V2 performance to Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square. Pershing Square. Our performance is also better than the top-rated Medallion Fund. Medallion Fund. The Medallion Fund was up 76% in 2020. V2 was up 156%. Medallion Fund 2020.

When Does The V2 Model execute its trades?

Usually first thing in the morning in the session following a Change notification. Here is a good post on what we do. When Does The V2 Model Execture Its Trades?

Are you on social media?

Yes. We post to Facebook on a regular basis.

How do I contact you?

The best way to reach us is by email.

How does the V2 Model generate such large returns?

The V2 Model uses asset ratio math on multiple timescales to get and keep us on the right side of extended trends. These trends can be in either direction.

What was the poorest time period for V2?

From September 1 to October 31, 2020, the V2 Model lost 27%. V2 finished 2020 up an outstanding 156%.

What was the best time period for V2?

From Jan. 1 to Aug 31, 2020, the V2 Model gained 197%.

Can I see individual trade performance?

Yes. You can see a list of 2016 to 2019 trade performance here.

How many changes are there each year?

There have been 23 trade dates from January 2016 to April 2020. An average of 5.3 times a year. With increased volatility we have had more changes in 2022.

Do You Personally Have Money Invested Using The V2 Newsletter?

Yes. My wife, Renee, and I have a portion of our growth portfolio invested in and following the V2 Model and Newsletter. We only make changes in our holdings after we notify everyone in the V2 Newsletter.

How many trades have been profitable?

Of the 23 trades from January of 2016 to April of 2020, 10 were profitable, 13 were losers, for a 43% success rate. The significant gains from the model come from holding winning trends longer and getting out of losing trends quickly.

Will my performance mirror that of the posted model results?

Your actual performance could be better or worse than the V2 Model as the exact timing of the V2 Model trades to your trades may be different. In that case, securities may be bought or sold at slightly different prices. We post to our website monthly results. We send updated results to Members, weekly.

How does The Vig Company Newsletter and V2 Model work?

The Vig Company will send an email update indicating what changes are being made and what the holdings should be at that time. A participant would make the changes as they see fit. Your performance may not be identical to the V2 model. Yours may be better or worse depending on when you make trades.

How do I update my subscription information or payment methods?

A member can update their information or change their card details by clicking the "Update" link at the bottom of the newsletter. Follow the instructions. However, often this is not necessary thanks to Stripe's "smarter cards".

How risky is V2?

Leverage is volatile and can experience decay over time. Shorts can be counterproductive to long-term holders. Losses will be experienced in sideways or whipsaw markets. Losses will be experienced when market trends change. Gains will be made in extended uptrends or extended downtrends in the market. We will never buy at the bottom or sell at the top - the V2 Model is not built for that. However, the V2 Model has done extremely well over long periods and beat both its benchmarks and peers. The V2 Model is extremely effective managing risk and uncertainty in the market.

Please note, there is no guarantee of future performance. We are not financial advisors, please do your own research when deciding how to invest your money.

By using the V2 Model you agree to the following:

The Vig Company LLC and its affiliates, officers, employees, families, and all other related parties, collectively referred to as ‘The Vig Company’ and/or ‘we,’ is a publisher of financial information, such as the V2 newsletter. Historical performance figures provided are unaudited, and based on our proprietary analysis and system performance, back-tested over an extended period of time. The performance results obtained are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. All stock and related investments have a degree of risk, which can result in a significant or total loss. In addition, The V2 model holdings are characterized by much higher risk and volatility than the general stock market. The information contained herein does not constitute a personal recommendation or takes into account the particular investment objectives, financial situations, or needs of individual investors. If you decide to invest in any of the stocks of the companies or ETFs mentioned in the newsletters, samples, alerts, etc., sent to you or available on our websites, you can and may lose some or all of your investment. You alone are responsible for your own investment decisions.

We are not liable nor do we assume any responsibility for losses incurred as a result of any information provided or not provided or not made available in a timely manner, herein or on our website or using any other medium.  We also cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information furnished by us. The Vig Company is not a registered investment advisor and nothing contained in any materials should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities. We may or may not already have existing positions in the stocks or ETFs mentioned in our reports.

Our models are proprietary and/or licensed and can be changed or revised based on our discretion at any time without any notification. Subscribers and investors should always conduct their own due diligence with any potential investment and consider obtaining professional advice before making an investment decision. All information from The Vig Company is copyrighted in the year of production. It may not be duplicated, shared, or used in any way other than personal use.