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Performance This Year (4/5/22)

EV4 -4.16%

Ethereum -4.58%

What Is It?

EV4 uses our quantitative ratio model to determine when to be long Ethereum or in cash. We present this information in our newsletter.

Paid Newsletter Members receive our holdings, allocations, and changes before we make them. We also send weekly updates, charts, and notes.

Our Mission?

Crush Ethereum over the long term!

Who Is It For?

The EV2 Newsletter is for investors who have an interest in cryptocurrencies. Members also hope for a method to capture the strong up trends, and to be protected in significant downturns and volatility associated with Ethereum.

The EV4 Model is long when conditions are favorable and moves to cash when trends deteriorate. Rotating between Grayscales ETHE and CASH the model has achieved over 3200% gains since January 1 of 2020.

Become a Member of EV4. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Our History With EV4

Over the past few years, we have owned GBTC (bitcoin) and ETHE (Ethereum). They are both investment trusts through Grayscale. (Hopefully, they will have ETFs soon). Our holdings are a small percentage of our total portfolio. We have done well, but there have been wild swings. We believe the EV4 Model will help us improve performance over the long term.

$10,000 invested in EV4 from Jan. 1 2020 to August 13, 2021 would be worth $333,123*. Buy and hold ETHE for the same time period would be worth $96,500.

*Performance calculated from 12/31/2020 ETHE closing price of $15.50.

EV4. Ethereum. V Model. Version 4.

If you would like to view prior issues, paid members can access them here. PRIOR ISSUES

ETHE is the Ethereum Trust Security offered by Grayscale. As of 8/13/21, The Vig Company is using EV4 to manage our long position in ETHE. We will continue to post our results above. Investing in Ethereum (ETHE) should be considered a “Risk-On” asset with extreme volatility.