The North Korean Meeting. Seize The Positive, Right?

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With everything that is happening right now it is hard to stay positive.  So many people are arguing with each other, and so many issues need to be resolved in a good way.

Above is a weekly chart for the South Korean stock market.  If the global markets felt positive about the Trump and Kim Jon Un meeting it would show up in this chart.  But you can see here we have made a series of lower highs.  The moving average slopes are down and price is below both of them.  A weak trend.

RSI is trending sideways now for many weeks.  A very indecisive look.

MACD is trending down and losing momentum.  It is approaching the zero line.

The South Korean market is indecisive and showing weakness.

I am perpetually optimistic though.  But I do not invest on optimism.  I invest with the math and the trends.  Optimism is a good way to lose a lot of money.  Discipline and a plan is a stronger way to invest for the long term.

Does Trump have that?

I hope to God, that he does.  I have not seen it yet.

That said, I will be watching this market and chart this week.

Let's seize the positive and constructively work toward what needs to be done!

We do not own EWY and have no plans to buy any soon.

Chris Vig is president of The Vig Company and is an investor, artist, author, business consultant and former CEO living in Monona, WI. This article is for entertainment purposes only.  Do you own diligence when investing your hard earned cash.