Boomers vs. Their Kids (Millennials) - Who Is Winning Right Now!

There are a lot of thematic ETFs in the market place.  The two I looked at today are LNGR and MILN.

LNGR is an ETF investing in companies that may help us live longer or care for us in our old age. So the holdings are in health care and hospitals and nursing homes!  The theme here is pay more, live longer!  

MILN is an ETF investing in companies that are betting on the spending power of those born between 1980 and 2000.  (Full disclosure: my kids are both in that range!) So social media, travel, entertainment are some of the areas for holdings.  Interesting,  I did not see any beer or liquor holdings in the portfolio.  I guess micro brews are in - my kids are skipping the big public brands.

So who is winning right now?  Looking at the ratio chart above the trend is favoring old people trying to live longer.  LNGR is beating MILN by 10% so far this year.

And not to worry, MILN's will get old too!

Chris Vig is president of The Vig Company and is an investor, artist, author, business consultant and former CEO living in Monona, WI. This article is for entertainment purposes only.  Do you own diligence when investing your hard earned cash.