The VIG Portfolio
The V2 Portfolio is a quantitatively focused, long-short equity fund owned and managed by Chris Vig. We use a cutting-edge algorithm with conditions-based asset ratios in four core areas (equities, currencies, interest rates, and volatility) to generate a portfolio of 1-5 ETF positions. Net exposure may be plus 300% to minus 300%. We protect capital in downturns and seek out performance during extended uptrends with the simple goal of beating the SP500 over the long term.
Access to all portfolio information is provided to you on our website and our Facebook page.
See the links to our performance and holdings above.
You Can Follow What We Do. Free.
Access to our investment models (called a symphony) in Composer. We currently are using 4.
We use Composer Brokerage. A world-class, quantitative, AI trading platform.
Changes to the portfolio and trades are automated in Composer saving time and energy.
Performance updates and comparisons to benchmarks.
Explanations of our positions with charts and notes.
Periodic Updates to the VIG Co. Portfolio Algorithm In Composer.
Our posts are short, simple to follow, and easy to use.
Long-term growth.
We are not advisors. Do your own due diligence before deciding to invest in our system.
We closed our newsletter atter years in September of 2024.
Our information is available in our blog posts here on the website.
We have no affiliation and are not compensated by Composer in any way. We are simply using their tools to manage our portfolio.
Current Posts
We Follow The Math!
Timing is everything, but we do not time the market or try to predict the future. We make changes only when the market proves itself one way or the other. When probabilities are in our favor, we go long equities. When conditions become more risky, we will short the market. This protects us in extended corrections or bear markets. We follow the math. We believe in our model.
"More pain in the market today (thank God I am with V2)!"
"V2 Rocks!"
"You singlehandedly saved our retirement accounts!"
"I love you V2. Follow the math!"
"Nice job, Chris."
"Hell yes!"
"Holy V2! My only regret is not going bigger..."
"Good job. What you do is not easy to do!"
"Just make sure V2 sticks around another 20 years!"
"And down we go. But... V2 killing it!"
"Way to go V2"
Premium Member Comments

Our Plan
Market price is our guiding force. Vig Co. works to be on the right side and take advantage of extended trends. This adds to gains when the trends are strong in either direction. The model uses ratio analysis among asset classes and high and low beta stocks to determine when we should reallocate our holdings. When the key ratios cross our algorithm will trigger automatic changes to the portfolio. This is done in Composer. You need a Composer Account to invest in our portfolios.
How It Works
The V2 Model is simple to use and easy to track. Open a Composer account and deposit funds. Click the link in the holdings area and invest in it if is right for you. We are not investment advisors. Do your due diligence before investing your hard-earned money. We suggest following our holdings and performance for some time to gain experience.