How To Win 86.6% Of All Elections!

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I was thinking of running for Governor of Wisconsin.  

I would only have one campaign promise. Total Transparency!

See, I would wear a go pro camera on my head and broadcast all of my working hours.  I will work for you.  Your should be able to check in any time you like to see how I am doing. Every meeting.  Every email. Every phone call.  Total transparency.

I am not certain that will win the election though.  

But I do know what wins.  


Charisma is defined as compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.

Charisma wins.

Look at the list below.   Take the time to  circle the person from each election that you think was the most charismatic in each election.

Trump or H. Clinton

Obama or Romney

Obama or McCain

Bush 2 or Kerry

Bush 2 or Gore

B. Clinton or Dole

B. Clinton or Bush 1

Bush 1 or Dukakis

Reagan or Mondale

Reagan or Carter

Carter or Ford

Nixon or McGovern

Nixon or Humphrey

Johnson or Goldwater

Kennedy or Nixon.

By my math and research on charisma 13 of 15 winners were more charismatic than their opponents.  Only Nixon was not a very charismatic winner.   86.6%.

Some super charismatic winners: Obama.  B. Clinton.  Reagan.  Bush 2.  Kennedy.  

And.... Trump! (Yes there can be negative charismatic winners.)  FYI, Hitler was very charismatic.

Some low charismatic losers: H. Clinton. Kerry. Dole. Ford. Dukakis. Gore.

Elections are not about great plans.  Elections are not about cool new policy.  Elections are about charisma.

The first time I saw Scott Walker speak he was very charismatic.  He was more charismatic than good, smart people like Mary Burke or Tom Barret.

So look at the list above again.  If I was charting the trend, it would favor charisma.

Democrats should find and run the most charismatic person they can find if they want to win 86.6% of the time.

Chris Vig is president of The Vig Company and is an investor, artist, author, business consultant and former CEO living in Monona, WI. This article is for entertainment purposes only.  Do you own diligence when investing your hard earned cash.