Cows vs Golfers!

I have not played golf for two years.  My shoulders have been bad.  I miss it.  

But it got me thinking about cows and golf.  As Winston Churchill said: Golf is like chasing a quinine pill around a cow pasture!

So today if you were going to invest in cows or pastures what would you do.  The golf industry has been in tough shape since Tiger blew up but Callaway  (ELY) has been a roll lately.  And, livestock producers (COW) have done really well since Trump came to office.  

So looking at the relative strength through a ratio chart (above) since the first of the year it is about even - there is no real trend and the MAs are tightly banded.

So it could go either way.  Just like my golf ball.

Chris Vig is an investor, artist, writer, business consultant and retired CEO living in Monona, WI. This article is for entertainment purposes only.  Do you own diligence when investing your hard earned cash.

Chris Viggolf, cows, ELY, Callaway, Trump